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Progettare la sicurezza: le migliori pratiche di codifica per l'architettura immobiliare

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Pratiche di codifica sicura, or secure coding practices, are essential in today's digital age. With the increasing number of cyber threats and attacks, it is crucial to ensure that software and applications are developed with security in mind. This is especially important in the field of design and architecture, where sensitive information such as blueprints and building plans are often stored and shared digitally.

By implementing secure coding practices, designers and architects can ensure that their software and applications are protected from potential vulnerabilities and attacks. This can help to prevent data breaches and protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

In addition to improving security, practicing secure coding can also lead to better overall software quality. By following established coding standards and best practices, developers can create more reliable and efficient software that is less prone to errors and bugs.

Overall, the benefits of practicing secure coding practices in the field of design and architecture are clear. By prioritizing security and following established coding standards, designers and architects can protect sensitive information and create more reliable and efficient software.

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